God’s Not Mad at You

Not MadWe all have secrets. Little things or big things we don’t want other people to know about us. Things that we only share with the people who know us best. Or maybe even no one at all. Those secrets are killing us. Satan uses those secrets to keep us from reaching out because, “What would people think?” “They would disown me.” “People would judge me.” And worst of all, “I am ashamed.”

These secrets hold power because they keep us quiet and they keep us from being completely real with people because rejection hurts. Judgement hurts. So we hold on to those secrets like they are precious jewels we are afraid to let out of our sight because if someone found out, we think, these secrets would destroy us. This is a LIE. A lie straight from Satan to keep us quiet and isolated. He likes that. If I am preoccupied with protecting my secret, I keep friends at arms length. I avoid church. I feel unworthy. I bully myself with mean thoughts. I call myself names. I feed MYSELF the lies. Satan has to do nothing more to destroy me. He can just sit back and watch me beat myself up until I’m in a dark and lonely place. One where I’ve run so far from God that I feel like I couldn’t turn and face him now. One where my soul is dying.

PLEASE STOP THE LIES. These are ALL lies. These lies fester and prevent healing, like dirt in a sore.

No one is innocent. We all have our secrets and it’s time to silence our inner-bully and share these secrets. God will listen to you. He doesn’t care how far you’ve wandered. It grieves him to see his children hurting and running in shame. Cry out to him. Lift your head. God isn’t mad at you. He loves you. No matter what you’ve done, he is waiting for you, and he already knows what you’ve done. You don’t even have to run TO him because he is there waiting. All you have to do is turn around and cry out for him. God is for the broken. He doesn’t wait for the broken to come crawling back after they have “fixed” themselves. He wants to love you in your brokenness. Right now.

God loves the broken

I am reminded of the story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible (Luke 15: 11-32). A man has two sons. One does all the “right things” and the other goes a little wild and squanders his wealth and winds up far from home and starving. Eventually the wild son realizes that even his fathers’ servants have food to eat so he decides to return and ask to be a servant. The father sees his son returning to him and he begins to RUN to his son. No anger, no malice. Just love. That was all that was waiting for the son who had gone astray. That’s how God waits for us. In love, not anger. He forgives and all you have to do is turn around. In the story of the prodigal son, the “right” son is ticked that his father would throw a celebration for his wayward brother.   The father says to him, “We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found! (Luke 5:32, NLT)”

God wants to celebrate your return. He is waiting for you to turn to him and let his truth wash over you so that you, too, can be found, can come back to life!

You are loved.

You are wanted.

You are cherished.

You are worth pursuing.

You are worthy.

You are forgiven.

You are celebrated.

You. Are. Enough.



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